Great Outdoors OC/LB presents
Cottonwood Lakes Beginner Backpack
June 13 to 16, 2020, tentative pending permit availability and snow depths
To go on this backpack, you must click on the "I'm interested" before December 12, 2019 so that the trip leader will know how many people to put on the permit reservation.
Contact: Frederick Brown: E-Mail : Phone: 562-754-1838

Mid June is a great time to get away to the High Sierra. This is Spring in the High Sierra. Temperatures are moderate. The weather is usually beautifully clear.
Driving to Horseshoe Meadow campground on June 13, the day before the backpack begins is recommended. We will be leaving from the trailhead around 8 AM on June 14th. Staying overnight at Horseshoe Meadow will help you adjust to the 10,000 foot altitude.
On the first day, we will backpack into the Cottonwood Lakes basin. Starting at 10,040 feet above sea level, we will climb to about 11,000 feet over about 5 miles. The initial climb will be short and easy through Lodgepole and Foxtail Pine trees. We will then descend slightly to cross the South Fork of Cottonwood Creek at about the 1 mile mark. We will then climb, crossing Cottonwood Creek again, and later again. Next, we will ascend until we reach the Cottonwood Lakes basin with views of Mount Langley. We will set up our camp at Muir Lake in the basin.
On the second day, people can bask in the Sierra Sunshine. For those more ambitious folks, we can do a day hike to the top of New Army Pass, which tops out at 12,300 feet.
The third day, we will retrace our steps from the first day, and drive back to Orange County/Long Beach.
You will need your ten essentials. Click here for the list.
For a list of recommended gear, contact the trip leader. Carpooling is recommended to help reduce gas cost and parking.
This trip is limited to a total of ten people.