SBVC - Monthly Membership Meeting

  • Wed, September 21, 2022
  • 7:00 PM
  • Santa Barbara, CA


Registration is closed


SBVC - Monthly Membership Meeting

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Great Outdoors monthly meeting is at Creekside Restaurant, 4444 Hollister Ave, Santa Barbara.

6:00pm for Core Group Meeting

7:00pm for General Membership Meeting

View the menu at

Greetings Fellow Great Outdoors SB/VC members (and friends of the group as well!)

In addition to our normal monthly social hour/meeting, we’ve got a yearly addition this month. It’s time for our yearly Officers Election meeting, and also time for us to nominate our chapters Volunteer of the Year!

The foundation of any organization like ours is its volunteers, and as many of you have heard me say over the years, ‘many hands make light work!’. While we have some wonderful hard working folks in our group, and many are very happy doing what they’re doing, as always, some folks are moving on to other things, so it’s time to mix in some new blood into our group!

As many of you know, this has been my tenth year as your chapter president, and while I love our group and all of you very much, as well as having other commitments pulling at me, I feel it’s time for me to ‘pass the torch’.

Of course I would be more than willing to help the new president get settled in, as would all the rest of our core group members.

In addition to the position of President, your core group (in case you weren’t sure) consists of the following posts:

-Vice President-in charge of outings-(Thomas Larson)

-Secretary-(Gener Bunggay)

-Treasurer-(Nikki Attinello)

-Webmaster-(Chris Fava)

-Special Events Coordinator-(Howard Lange)

-Outreach/Social Media Liaison-(John Molina)

-Day Hike Coordinator-(Thomas Larson)

-Membership Coordinator-(Gener Bunggay)

-Corporate Representative-(Thomas Larson)

Make no mistake, all of us on core group do love what we do, helping out and contributing to the fun that is your Great Outdoors chapter! However, as you can see, some folks are doing double or even triple duty. So if any of these posts sound interesting to you, or if you’re just looking to help out some, please reach out to one of us on core group, raise your hand, step up, and pitch in! As I already stated, many hands make light work folks!

Lets all work TOGETHER, so we can enjoy ourselves and have fun!

The other thing we’ll be voting on/nominating/etc is our chapter’s Volunteer of the Year. We’re open to any and all active member nominations, so join us for the meeting and nominate whomever you think is the shining member of our chapter!

Or, just come to the meeting to socialize, visit with old friends, make some new ones, and have a good third Wednesday of the month!

Looking forward to seeing you there!

Joe Domingos

Retiring President-Great Outdoors SB/VC

We look forward to seeing you and getting re-acquainted. Come find out what we have planned this year, and what we are all about!

Please RSVP if you are coming.


a 501(c)(7) not-for-profit, all-volunteer LGBTQIA+ and Allies organization dedicated to the enjoyment of the outdoors. All rights reserved. Privacy policy